Just a week to go till we finally get the season started.
The majority were in favour of supporting [size=200
=#FF0000Wakefield Hospice [/sizeso that's what we'll go with.
I'll post a link to the fundraising page asap, but still waiting confirmation from the hospice.
The rules are the same as we ended up with post-lockdown last year, i.e. winner and a margin. Does anyone know if golden point is operating for this season?
=#0000FF[size=150Everyone is welcome - the more the merrier :[/sizeGROUPHUG:
Just start posting your predictions and then we'll sort out your donations to charity shortly.
Two new names were added to the Roll of Honour last year
[size=150=#FF0000Wakefield1990 & little wayne69[/size
Will this be your year?
For those who haven't yet joined in the 'fun', a brief outline:
[/iWe ask for a donation to our chosen charity (Wakefield Hospice) of at least £5, with an initial target of £200, but it's always nice to beat last year's record.
I'll set up an online payment method once we've heard back from the charity on whether they can register with the free platform 'total giving'
Usually, you can pay in person by cash/cheque to
=#FF0000[size=150Wrencat1873[/size, but I'm not sure when/how that will be possible this year... we'll see.
[/iI'll post the fixtures for each round on here. (See next post for round 1)
Just pick which team you think will win and a margin of victory for each fixture through the course of the season.
Round 1 Fixtures
St Helens V Salford
Leigh V Wigan
Wakefield V Leeds
Catalans V Hull KR
Hull FC V Huddersfield
Castleford V Warrington
Just give a clear indication of which team you think will win each fixture and the margin
Salford by 1
Leigh by 46
Wakefield by 12
Hull KR by 16
Hull FC by 6
Warrington by 32
or indicate a draw

(not sure golden point is in operation, but even then a draw still possible if no score during 10 mins golden point... but even less likely)
For each result you get:
5 points if you're spot on
3 points if you're within a score (+/- 6 pts)
2 points if you pick the correct team
0 points if you're wrong
e.g. Leigh 62 v Wigan 0
if you put 'Leigh by 62' then you get 5 points
'Leigh by 56' would get 3 points
'Leigh by 12' gets 2 points
'Wigan by 62' gets 0 points
[iA correctly predicted draw would also get 5 points[/i.
I'll post the points table each week.
The deadline for posting is kick-off time for the first fixture.
You can post late, but games that have already started won't count.
As the fixture are scored individually rather than in rounds, we can include the play-offs and grand final fixtures in the league this year.
There will also be a separate knock-out cup competition included, starting when SL clubs join the challenge cup rounds.
The turnaround is quite quick these days with Thursday Fixtures.
Good Luck
