Well, after the biggest crowd at Cougar Park for around twenty years the 'morning after' has me thinking, “We did it!” But this is thanks to the army of volunteers who came down to the ground during the week to help clean up, knock it into shape and ready for almost 5,000 spectators. Massive plaudits must go to Gary Fawcett and particularly Mary Calvert (and her ever-boiling kettle) for orchestrating it all. Mary was there from early Monday morning until late Sunday. Recognition must also go to the many businesses in Keighley who unstintingly gave so generously of their time and goods. Thanks also to the supporters of the many Rugby League clubs from all over the country who came to the ground to lay tributes to Danny and on the day of the game to support the club and Jones family.

At times like these the Rugby League family, who are extraordinary, come together for strength. In a small way the 'spirit of Cougarmania' was rekindled yesterday and let us keep that alive and do it for Danny in his memory to get back up where we belong.