Does it really matter if people sing or not?
Regardless of how 'vocal' each of our supporters are, the one thing we all have in common is that we all shout and cheer when we score or look like scoring, when a big shot goes in, when the ref makes a bad decision, when Eorl gets brought off after a 79 minute spell etc...
Surely this natural and unpredictable show of emotion creates more atmosphere and mean more to the players??
Oh, I agree with the swearing bit as well - when our 'singing section' at Wakey started with the swearing chant it was all a bit embarrassing. Standing is a bit more contentious though. I tend to jump up when we are near to the line or a very bad call, but maybe that is because the people in front of me have stood up. From another point of view, I go with my dad who is getting on in years and can't jump up as quick as everyone else, so he gets really frustrated that he misses an important play or score. Similarly with my young lad who I am constantly lifting in the air - it's a good as a work out for me going to a Giants game!!
Maybe segregation is the way - a stand for the singers, a stand for the standers, a place for the swearers (maybe the corporate boxes so they can be shut it!), a stand for the bovril drinkers etc...