Quote Horatio Yed="Horatio Yed"SoO is different though compared to normal games, they deliberately let the game flow and the biff happen, kind of wish this was the norm, the game is getting a little soft, players need protecting in some respects but not from a few smacks and and a bit of roughing up in the ruck.'"
Pretty much spot on, Yed
The SoO is MASSIVE intensity, and the refs use common sense..
Our game (the northern hemisphere game) is becoming TOO sanitised. It's almost like the players aren't aloud to "hit hard" anymore, without Eddie and Stevo (and this is one of the FEW bug-bears I have with them) shouting "DISGRACEFUL- WE DON'T NEED THAT IN OUR GAME", when all the incident was a bit of a flare-up. The RL disciplinary hear this, and they "pooh a brick" and start handing bans around). The Bridge incident v Hudds, earlier on the season, was a typical example. A very strong tackle, but NOT ileagal, yet E&S react like someone's been shot. The refs need to be a touch more lenient to "hard play", but still recognise out and out thuggery.
A side question still remains, though
Do we sacrifice SL's entertainment (because IT IS more "easy on the eye" than the NRL comp, for fluid RL) to have more intensity in our competition, and therefore (hopefuly) be more competative at the end of the season Internationals, or do we carry on as we are, and have England "go through the motions" every year, and have Cas, Wids, London receive "kickings" virtually EVERY week.
The RFL need to decide, and pretty quick to, or we'll just meander on, through the next decade, and the status-quo will remain the same.