Quote ry21="ry21"Anybody else fed up of opposition fan's coming on here and spouting a load of the old proverbialal, because we have a new found optimism in the team, coaches aned management. It may be false (doubtful IMO) but can we not just be left alone to look on the brightside for once after a few years well of nothing at all to look forward to. Some of the that come on here looking down their noses at us don't exactly support anything a great deal better. Yes Widnes aren't going to be challenging for honours but with the occasion and everything else on top i think most teams in the league would have struggled in the first 40. Look at Salford last night, better decision making and fitness could wel have seen them get the two points and i'm sure that had something to do with the occasion too.'"
One of the best post on here in a long while, agree with everything said the future is bright for our great club . Richard Agar may or maynot be the future, only time will tell on this. One thing for sure , is we all have reason to be optimistic for the coming season . long may it continue.