Quote deeHell="deeHell"Isn't the integrity of the franchise application brought into question when a team has 2 less chances of qualifying? It seems we are playing under 2 rule books when the likes of Fev can have 33% opportunities to qualify for the elite.'"
OMG your hard work, first of all well done on 96, we lost no problem to me simple!
And as for not having the same chance to qualify

you had chance to qualify this year and the whole of the last franchise period and if you get removed then that will be on your club. Or put it this way if I said to you at the start of the season, it looks like your going to get chucked out do you fancy going now so that you get an extra year to qualify? what would you have said? The trade off is you had an extra year to make your case for this round of franchises! And were already reaping the benefits of being in the "super league"
Perhaps you could have asked Halifax at the start of the year if they wanted to swap with you for the year?