Quote not again="not again"believe me i am not wrong. so you spoke to a few players that are still contracted and they said they cant wait til next season. come on what did you expect them to say, we cant stand jk and broadbent and its a shocking place to be at moment. they would lose thier jobs, they are just saying what you want to hear. were you at salford, no fight no ethusiasm and just did not care. We are in it deep and with a coaching staff that have completely lost the players, it doesn't matter who we sig they will all go the same way. Jk coming out saying the players are gonna get it in pre season was a clear example of what i am saying. JK has seperated himself from his players and that is not good. But hey they said they cant wait for next season so all is well and i am wrong???????????
your not wrong m8 was going to keep things to my self but what l was told about wakefield and the coaches on sat would make you scream... john kears end of season investigation was last week and lets just say he was told where things where going wrong and things that could be done and he all but said it was rubbish and that they can not play like that and there gonna play like he wants which in no uncertain terms to my friend made him believe that he does'nt know how to coach these things n players, and that the players them selfs are fed up with it and him.... dressing room gone................................... not going to name names but it gave me little hope if any for next year