Quote trinfan71="trinfan71"Like many others I have read all about the current tax issues and the statements regarding the shambles of directorship of the club. I got to thinking that in the past people employed by the club have posted on this forum to publicise what can only described as marketing gimmicks with occasional positive news.
Is it just me looking too deep into things and over analysing them or are certain individuals who work along side the club in what I believe is a voluntary capacity are being left 'hung out to dry' by the club. Left to offer reason and explanation to defend the club. I am not being disrespectful to these people when I say this but, I, along with many other people in this forum don't know them from Adam and we are expected to believe them when they say trust me.
Granted there are a those few who post and give as accurate and correct information as they can at any given time, the rest of us have listen to rumour.
Why are the club not at least doing more to allay fears instead of the box standard press release? Like the current tax issue statement. I don't mean lay everything out on the table for all to see but at least give us the opportunity to try and help our club.
Come on Wakefield Trinity give us all a reason to believe in you.'"
I fully agree with this post, i and others have tried before to get some sort of responce from the club on here to help allay fears, falls on deaf ears although i know they read it.
Seems to be a one way track because from time to time they have asked for our assistance in getting a message across, like i say when it suits, seems to be the way it works.
Come on Wakefield Trinity give us all a reason to believe in you