Just got home from the game dissapointed but hey always next season.
The point of this post as you will gather is to wonder where all the fans went tonight - oh yes that would be the couldn't bothered brigade!. Fair play to Leeds and for that matter most teams in Super league as least they get out and support the team unlike our fair weather mob!. Respect to all of those few thousand that bothered to turn up and SUPPORT THE TEAM. Shame on those of you who couldn't be bothered or decided to watch it at home just because we got hammered by Wire or because the referee wasn't to their liking!.
The number of empty seats tonight in the home sides was embarrassing for an elimination semi. Honestly I was in the Direct Gold Stand and there were the same loyal 'mature' ladies (pensioners)

who turn up week after week where was everyone else?.
I do wonder what Ken and the players will be thinking - the apathy amongst some of the Giants fans is unbelievable. I know everyone has a choice to attend but tonight was an absolute joke.
Respect to those who got off their backsides to attend - with a bit more luck we would have beaten Leeds as they were rattled and a reason why they won't win the comp however fair play to them we didn't play for the 80 minutes.
Most fickle fans in Super league - WITHOUT DOUBT those would be ours then!.