Quote The Watcher="The Watcher"The Watcher as with many loyal Leigh fans will not be surprised to hear of the latest falling out at boardroom level, there are some big egos in there, he just hopes all personality clashes do not disrupt the players preparation in any way. What ever happens in the future even if Mazey resigns or Beaumont goes to Oldham again The Watcher like most Leythers will be there to support the most important thing at LRLFC, the team. Good luck against Dewsbury lads.'"
Egos in the Boardroom

try the mirror for egos
Extrapolating this squabble in a wider domain contradicts your holy stance. You are point scoring with some sort of historic grudge. The BoM are fans, and your knowledge of what goes on in the boardroom is laughable unless you are in it. We buy our tickets and watch the game, thankful that these folk have allowed us to do so after the depths of last year and our almost extinction. I meet your kin at every bar stool in every pub, you are only happy when you can say I told you so because you know it all, yet have never done it