Trying to think this through.....
Widnes were awarded a license 4 months ago. Presumably they met the criteria - good.
But, the available licenses are supposed to be awarded to the best 14 license applications. (aren't they?)
So, either the RFL had already prejudged the licenses then, or they were happy to relegate a club whose SL licence bid could have been better than Widnes'?
Halifax didn't meet the criteria today, but were allowed/ encouraged to apply for a licence on the basis that they qualified to do so.
So, how did they know they could promote Widnes without seeing the other bids first, but not know that Halifax's bid would not be good enough at the same time?
Also, Widnes were told early so that they could prepare for SL, but had Halifax been successful, they would not have been afforded that opportunity, and presumably ended up with a disastrous first year in SL.
Crusaders pull out at the last minute.
So, they knew their business plan/ finances were a joke but the RFL still thought their bid was good enough for a licence (in which case the RFL don't know what they are doing when they see a business plan). Or, the RFL and Crusaders both thought the application wasn't worthy of a licence - so why pull out publicly and cause lots of grief, when they could have just been relegated fairly and squarely anyway without all the backlash?
All in all - some people out there seem to need their bumps feeling.
makes you wonder why every time we have had the licence bids, there are plenty p***ed off people out there.