Blaming the club is stupid. They have been given a reduced allocation because of the difference in capacity between KR & the Stobart. Therefore they have to look into ways of giving priority, all the loyalty schemes and membership ideas mentioned in the earlier posts are fantastic and something to look at moving forward but as it stands, there is nothing like this in place.
The club have had to make a difficult decision on how to prioritise ticket sales for this fixture and have ultimately gone down the route I believe most clubs would do under such circumstances. I imagine that this will raise it's head again when Saints play Leeds and Wigan as their away following is of a similar stature to ours. Once these games take place we will be able to compare the ways in which each club deals with the reduced allocation.
Obviously this being the first home game of the season (someone correct me if I am wrong on this, as haven't checked) there was always going to be added interest as all the Saints fans get to see what it's like to have a decent ground to play their home games at