Quote NWO="NWO"Not really the place to discuses this but there is much debate about the immune system response problems of the Spanish flu and the safety of adjuvents and vaccines as a hole , gillian bray sydrome as an example .
The same as the debate about the preservatives used such as ones which contain mercury in some cases ,and its links to autism and formation of ionic mercury in the brain . im not trying to scaremonger as you put it or half truths, but debate,.
The thanks was meant as respect not sarcasm.'"
I didnt think it was sarcasm

I probably just worded my post wrong. Anyhows onto your points you are right that you need to consider the safety of these things but it will be doone pretty well. Vaccines get a rough time because people are scared of them because they dont understand them fully. People attribute a much higher risk to using them for some reason yet the same people will happily do things in their life that are far far more risky without battin g an eyelid.