Quote Geordie="Geordie"I do have and take an interest in Polotics however found myself unable to vote on Thursday due to the fact that I knew so little about the candidates or indeed the European policies of the parties that they represented.
I am abhored that the BNP has gained seats but without the required knowledge of knowing who or what I was voting for I could not make an informed choice.'"
This is a very good point, however, the BNP getting voted into the European Parliament may turn out to be a good thing.
For far too long, the 3 mainstream parties have gone along with their heads in the sands (well, more like in the troughs, if recent revelations are anything to go by), refusing to actually get on with sorting out the mess that this country has got itself in to over a variety of issues, including immigration.
Since the 70's, turnout at elections as been on the decline and not a single mainstream party as done a jot to tackle this apathy...an apathy which has now got us into the present position of extremist politicians finding themselves voted into positions of power.
Last night's results should serve as a warning to all concerned, that simply sitting back and doing nothing can only be a bad thing...The BNP, and their like, thrive on apathy.
There is debate to be had over immigration and various other subjects, and it is upto mainstream politicians to pull their fingers out and get back to running the country, instead of caring more about which leader can save their jobs at the next election, and which expense they can fiddle next.