Quote 666="666""As you sow, so shall you reap" springs to mind.
Why not face facts and take your punishment like adults?
Alternatively pay your debts in full and start afresh.
You don't have a God-given right to a place in Superleague.
Abide by the Rules, pay your debts as and when they fall due and respect your supporters.
You've milked support from the surrounding clubs for long-enough.
You can fool some of the people for all of the time but not all of the people for all of the time. Hasn't Robbie Paul got any ideas?'"
Could we start a seperate thread just for dip s like this to spout their drivvel at each other? It could be called "gloat about others misfurtunes". Then maybe we can leave this thread for people who actually have constructive things to say.
If I hear the words "reap" or "sow" one more time...