Quote Mick Gledhill="Mick Gledhill"I for one won't be sad to the see the old girl leave us, well maybe I will, in fact I'll miss her dearly as she's one of a dying breed of Rugby League stadia in this country. It's grounds like Knowsley Road that define the greatest game with there character and history.
She's got a certain charm about her, even if I've just watched us lose there by our highest ever score (narrowly beating the 58-14 Easter Monday game back in 1999).
Anyhow after having a well informed tour of her earlier today I ended up taking something close to 100 pictures of every nook and cranny, so here from me to you is a few of the pictures I took, because a few forum members on here never leave the couch to attend games like the the majority on here.
Got to agree with that Mick, I'll miss it too. Not for the sort of result we've usually got there; I've travelled there most years since the early seventies and I don't think I can remember half a dozen victories in all that time. KR is unique though, there isn't another, and never will be, though I wish Saints well in their new breeze block palace (when it's built), and obviously I'll be looking forward to my first visit in a year or so, and hoping we have better luck there than we have at KR!
BTW, Mick, you do know that ground regs at KR very specifically forbid the use of 'photographic equipment'? My sister was almost thrown out for taking some snaps a few years back (though it might have been for what she called the steward when he demanded she delete them

I did sneak a few with my phone though