Quote mr t hall="mr t hall"Admirable passion.Just read the Dave Fleming blast and 23 years ago(doesnt seem it) we were treated to Bentley/Preston and 8k gates v Oldham,sad really there will only be 10% of that on Sunday.'"
Can't compare the two periods. Most clubs had better attendances then. Go back further to 1984 and the early parts of 1985 and surprisingly the early part of 1986, Thrum Hall wasn't packed out.
Things improved after Wembley 87 and 88' so much so that the year of relegation, 89 we averaged 6000. Wasn't our last game of that season a win over St Helens, Seamus leaving the pitch in just his jock strap.
If we had the likes of those you mention the crowds will come back. IF.
For goodness sake (not you T) let's stop looking at meaningless/incomplete data and post some positives.
Blimey threads like this make you long for Mr Jagger and 87 leg end.