Quote Danger_mouse="Danger_mouse"John - you seem to have misunderstood my intentions.
I'm happy for the Shay to be improved and want this to happen. The difference is this time CMBC will keep the freehold on the pitch and the stands, thus securing the ground for each of the clubs in the future.
Lease out the surrounding land, get companies to develop it instead of rental payments and it's a win-win for all concerned. The companies get cheap rent, CMBC makes money back and doesn't have to fund the ground, the stadium is improved and both teams have a home that can't be sold off for development, or gobbled up by a bank if one of the developing companies goes under.
I couldn't give two hoots who rents the office space or what the stands are called as long as they are protected for the future. It's always been the ownership issue that concerned me.'"
I have never misunderstood your intentions, you have an agenda which is never hidden, however, as Malcolm says above time to bury the hatchet, which incidentally against Town I have never raised.
As I have said on many occasions I dislike football and most of the people involve with the "beautiful game" BUT I wish any club, business etc etc which has the name of HALIFAX every success.
Incidentally how did you know my name was John??