Quote sanjunien="sanjunien"yeh,they do a mean merguez burger and the chips aren't too bad either
we were sat in our usual places in the stand opposite the band (fortunately !) but some bright french spark had a vuvuzela about three seats down !!! He made a h#ll of a racket and nearly had that instrument inserted in a place where the sun don't shine...
you are a good bunch it's just a pity you lot can't sing in tune ! because of that the Leythers just edge you out as the top visiting fans with the Raiders not far behind
Whitehaven was a special day for obvious reasons and their lot were unbelievable
I think Fax brought the most fans this season (Vikings last season) but the Leythers were the loudest.Generally tho' less fans travelled to france this season
Toulouse IS a great place and it would be great to see you all again next year'"

The last thing you want to do is mention 'away support', 'Widnes' and 'Leigh' in the same paragraph. This thread will now run to a million pages of who has the best away support and resons for any down-turn on any partiulcar day. They're obessed.