As a supporter of rugby league.Barrow is my favourite away stadium.You can move round to the other end,unless SKY

are there!You can stand up if you like.There is easy access to beer,which you can drink anywhere.You can have a weeze on a fag if required and I have found the supporters there to be a most friendly bunch of folk whom I have had the fortune of meeting on my awayday travels in the last few years.
My only question is that,if I do finish work early on that thursday will I be able to move to the other end at half time or will SKY

stop me from doing this yet again?The same as happened in the play offs last year.
I actually like the stadiums where there is freedom of movement and common sense instead of Elf and Safety,etc.Dewsbury being a prime example.
It would be nice if we could move round at The Shay as we only get 2000 like Barrow and not 5 or 10000.
Plus if I go up will I be on my own or not.Maybe there will be 50 or 100 of us?