Quote The Mouth="The Mouth"Ey up there mate....you do know that I haven't decided yet.You might see me there you never know,but if I don't show you could phone me and give me a running commentary as usual.That would be great!!I will be in touch sunday morning to let you know whether its fax or the wendyball as you prefer to call it.
It looks like it's just me and Terry so far. I told him that you 3 weren't going and why. He was quite understandably appalled but I did think that setting off to grease up the Gibbet was a knee-jerk reaction.
I explained to him that the Gibbet was only for petty crimes and that for treason the gallows was usually used (sometimes followed by the optional drawing and quartering) but that we should also retain the quaint old custom of hanging the remains in chains on Beacon Hill.
Anyway, gotta go now. I need to change my hair shirt and cilice.