The first event of the year for Rugby League Deutschland, took place at the weekend in Hochspeyer near Kaiserslautern. The Rugby League Educational Day was a big success in so many ways. Over 40 players from across Germany as well as German National Captain, Kris Keinhorst, attended the event, Despite the weather and change of venue at such late notice. National Trainer Dan Stocks took charge of the event, helping people new to Rugby League, understand the game better, as well as helping them develop the key basic core Rugby skills of passing and tackling. Players were also helped to develop their understanding of the rules and some tactics of the game. Paul Szehofner from the RFL alongside Bob Doughton who is the National Team Assistant Trainer and Uwe Jansen, The Development Officer for Rugby League Deutschland added to the quality educational sessions held during the day.
Further Regional Educational Sessions are planned in the Summer as more and more people are wanting to learn and play Rugby League in Germany. Rugby League is a simply game to play in, yet the basic core skills, that make it one of the most exciting sports in the world need to be worked on regularly.