Quote Tony Fax="Tony Fax":roll: That's the kind of ignorance I was talking about .... yeah, beax, TA wasn't able to distinguish between a good player and a bad player, whatever you say
I can be called many things TF(small, bald, devilishly handsome!)... but ignorant is not be one of them... esp when you consider I was actually working down at the shay at the time TA was in chanrge and was in contact with a number of the players at fax, and some of the players he had previously coached!!! That seemed to me to be the general feeling, but I take my hat off to him for taking on the impossible job and trying to make it work, given more funds etc he might have done a wonderful job, the fact is, we will never know.... but facts speak for themselves... we got relegated from SL and almost from NL1!!! coaches live and die by those facts, I understand and mirror the sentiment towards him being a fax legend, but that aside, facts are facts!

now go bark up another tree