Firstly, congrats to 'Fax on a very good showing once again. Things are shaping up very nicely and presuming we put Widnes to the sword we have another go at smashing Barrow's pretentions once again
Sorry to moan on a first post but did anyone see the utter 'Barra' fool at the top left of the Skircoat stand yesterday (wearing a cookie monster t-shirt)? I had all on not planting one on the end of his stupid nose and had my little lad and nephews not been there........

The guy seemed to enjoy bellowing at the top of his lungs and repeatedly used a high-pitched whistle to try put our lads off whilst chucking a few nasties into the mix.
To you Barrow idiot (if you read this) tone it down next time or you will leave the ground in a much less healthy state that you arrive.
Great stuff 'Fax - the RL/SKY can't put Barrow in SL if they can't beat [uUS[/u, regardless of their favourable geographically superior location.
Keep it up lads!